Tuesday 26 July 2011

Here Are All The Symobls To Use On Ameba:

Heart - /heart
Kiss - /kiss
Panda - /panda
Knife and Fork - /hungry
Confused - /conf
Angry or Mad - /angry
Sad or Upset - /sad
Music Or Fun - /fun
Light Bulb Or Idea - /insp
Cat - /nekohebi

For A Quicker Way Of Actions
Note: Must not be on Internet Explorer eg. Mozilla Firefox would work
just press:
F1 - Hello Action
F2 - Bow Action
F3 - Joy Action
F4 - Sad Action
F5 - Angry Action
F6 - For Other Actions You Purchased :D

Cool Tricks

◎ How To STOP OR FREEZE While Doing An Action
just press:
/stop or the TAB button WHILE doing the action

◎ How To SLIDE while walking ANYWHERE
just press:
click on a space where ever you want to silde to and then quickly press TAB

Done :D

Hope This Helped You And Share It :p Please Follow My Blog For More Updates On Ameba Pico World And Other sites =)

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